Subsidium LTD

Iyad Boustany

Iyad has a Bachelor degree in Math, Paris X, a Bachelor degree in Economics, Paris X, and a Masters in Finance from ESCP – Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris.

Iyad is the Founder And Managing Director of Subsidium Advisors Ltd whose clients include the World Bank Group and Ankura Consulting.

Iyad has 25 years experience in Investment banking, structured finance, turn around, restructuring and M&A advisory.

He finalized transactions exceeding $1.5Bn in value covering various sectors in 11 emerging market countries. Iyad is the author of numerous books, articles, as well as research papers.

We serve clients at every level of their organization, whether as a trusted advisor to top management or as a hands-on coach.

Iyad Boustany

Managing Director